Action Step 1. Understand what the basics of what the Bible says about work


i. Listen to the Vine’s Sunday Sermon on the biblical foundations of work - ‘Flourish Series: Connect Faith and Work’: Watch now

ii. ‘Theology of Work’ Website has a lot of information. A good place to start is here, read the article: 10 Key Points About Work in the Bible Every Christian Should Know

Action Step 2. Intentionally practice applying your faith at work


i. Join The Vine’s monthly Work Life Lunch and Meet. These are one hour lunch-time gatherings, that focus on how we can apply biblical truth into real work life topics and issues. Sign up on Churchsuite now

Action Step 3. Cultivate Spiritual Communities at Work

Being part of a spiritual community at work helps us to bridge any gaps that there may be between our faith and work. Initiate or join one of these groups at work.


i. Build Spiritual Friendships with Christian colleagues. See the Cultivate Spiritual Friendships tool:

ii. Join an existing or start a prayer group. See Action Step 5 of the Take Time to Pray tool:

iii. Join an existing or start a Bible study group. See the Explore the Bible tool for what resources to use:

iv. Join other existing groups, such as industry specific groups. Contact Jessica Evans at:

v. Resources for small groups - Go to Going Deeper section:

Action Step 4. Prayerfully complete a short Daily Devotional about work

a. What is God’s calling for your work 


i. A 4-day devotional available on either the YouVersion Bible: App

or on Website 

ii. There are many other devotions on the topic of work that you can subscribe to on the YouVersion Bible App, and you can either do this alone, or invite friends on the App to join you to do it together.

b. Devotionals on different topics of work: Click here for more information