Action Step 1. Learn about different ways to read the Bible and put it into practice
i. Gordon D Fee & Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth Book
ii. BibleProject: How to Read the Bible Introductory Series
Action Step 2. Get started on a daily reading plan
i. Bible in One Year: App + Website
ii. ReadScripture: App + Podcast
iii. Printable reading plans. There are many different ones available. Here is one example: Link
iv. Youversion: App
Action Step 3. Develop a rhythm of regular prayerful reading
i. Lectio 365: App
Action Step 4. Join the annual ONE Campaign - A 40 Day Gospel Reading Plan
i. ONE Hearing the Word: Website
ii. ONE Hearing the Word: App
Action Step 5. Study the Bible with a group or another person
Here are some of the Vine’s previous Sermon Series on specific books. You can watch the talks either together or individually, and you can come together for discussions using the small group study guide.
i. Proverbs Sermon Series: Watch now
ii. Genealogy of Jesus Sermon Series: Watch now
iii. Story of Jesus
A 25-session teaching series, based on the gospel of Luke: Watch now
(Please note: only the talks are available.)